Open Science: a model with some pieces still to fit in




Open Science, Open Access, Open Research Data, Open Peer Review, scientific assessment, citizen science, preprints


Open Science constitutes a radical transformation in the way of doing scientific research. It is a new model based on collaborative work between academics and also on the openness and transparency of all phases of research (not only the final publication, but also collecting data, peer review, and evaluation criteria, among other aspects).

Open Science has its origins in the use of ICTs by researchers and in the extension of the open access model in publications. Likewise, it has also encountered three elements that have facilitated its development: its connection with classical scientific values, the actions of certain staff members with decisive capacity in their organizations, and institutional support, especially from the European Commission and diverse research funders.

Several definitions of Open Science are analysed in order to highlight its fundamental characteristics: openness, transparency, and content reuse. In any case, Open Science is considered an “umbrella”, term useful for grouping together several elements such as open access, open data (FAIR), open peer review, the use of pre-prints, citizen science, and new evaluation models. Although there are discrepancies on what these elemental pieces are, we have focused on these six, reviewing the current situation of each one, placing special emphasis on their degree of development and the contribution they make to Open Science

Notable diversity can be seen in the development of each one of the pieces and also the absence of coordinated action, which could imply a deceleration in Open Science practices.

Despite the excellent progress in open access and remarkable sharing of research data and respectable use of preprints, little progress has been made in defining and establishing new metrics and new evaluation models, even though they are a key element to incentivize the expansion of Open Science in all disciplines.


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How to Cite

Abadal, E. . (2021). Open Science: a model with some pieces still to fit in. Arbor, 197(799), a588.




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Grant numbers RTI2018-094360-B-I00