Traces of the City. Reflections on the Relationship between City, Monument and Photography based on Walter Benjamin’s Work


  • Ana María Rabe Investigadora, Instituto de Filosofía (CCHS/CSIC)



Town, monument, photography, remembrance, time, picture, trace


There is a deep relationship between monument and photography which is practically inseparable in the case of a town’s landmark. The monument and moreover the town’s landmark needs to be reproduced, and that means firstly: shot. But do we really see the town when we are contemplating monuments or their reproduction? Current life of a town presents itself in thousand ways. But no thousand pictures are able to compose the face of a town. If one seeks to reflect it, one has to do more than to reproduce that what presents itself with ostentation; one has to catch in flight what appears disappearing in a fugacious moment. For this, it’s necessary to catch the accidental trace behind the intentional traces. Holding a dialogue with Walter Benjamin as well as with Alfred Döblin, this text reflects on the relationship between picture and remembrance as well as the different dimensions of time, and in this connection on possibilities and limits in representing life and character of a town.


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How to Cite

Rabe, A. M. (2011). Traces of the City. Reflections on the Relationship between City, Monument and Photography based on Walter Benjamin’s Work. Arbor, 187(747), 143–168.


