The Spanish cartoon throughout Europe and the world


  • Viviane Alary Universidad Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand



Spanish comic, international wide scope, exile, agency market, current creations


It is intended to show a serious thought on the Spanish comic produced abroad or made for foreign countries. The study follow different trails, examining three generational groups, studying relevant signatures covering all phenomenon related to the comic industry and those linked to the Art and the experimentation. This article focusses on the historical period from the Spanish civil postwar to the present time because from the 1940 decade there has been a much wide scope movement. The proposed reflection is about the exile (political, existential or labor one, or even physical or artistic) when the work is done in Spain and sent abroad. Different periods are analized as, by the time, the exile was massive or more discret and meant a penetration more or less asserted in British, French or Belgian markets. Our aim is giving a value to each generation and give each one its own international appreciation, in both collective or individual ways. This article specially focusses in the cumulating experience, the transferences in the European way of doing and the American way through the Spanish school; we are trying to give a first answer to Spanish school invisibility problem, existing nearly until the present time. Finally, we are showing the Spanish contribution to the current creation in the comic world, and talking about its recently obtained legitimacy.


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How to Cite

Alary, V. (2011). The Spanish cartoon throughout Europe and the world. Arbor, 187(Extra_2), 239–253.


