A change of paradigm in the study of innovation: the social turn in the european policies of innovation


  • Javier Echeverría Ezponda Ikerbasque, Departamento de Sociología 2, UPV/EHU
  • Lucía Merino Malillos Ikerbasque, Departamento de Sociología 2, UPV/EHU




Social innovation, politics of innovation, social technosciences


Innovation studies have experienced a social shift in this first decade of the century, which begins to move to innovation policy. We are facing a new paradigm in such studies, not only to a further expansion of the types and models of innovation. To this end, we analyze some of the first conceptual frameworks of social innovation (Goldenberg and Crises group in Canada, Young Foundation and NESTA in the United Kingdom) and discussed the progress of the new paradigm in the European Union. We conclude that social innovation technosciences seem to have reached a broad consensus: social innovations emerge in the first instance of civil society, but can also be generated or implemented by the public sector and the private sector. In addition, both the means and the purposes to promote them should be predominantly social.


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How to Cite

Echeverría Ezponda, J., & Merino Malillos, L. (2011). A change of paradigm in the study of innovation: the social turn in the european policies of innovation. Arbor, 187(752), 1031–1043. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2011.752n6002




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