Thoughts on the enterprise and the context of social innovation


  • Luis Cañada Vicinay Director y presidente de Vicinay Cadenas



Social innovation, emotalent, knowledge, creativity, enterprise, culture


The present article tries to analyze the relations and connections between the discourse of social innovation and the enterprise. In this article, the author explores the discourses, actions and different forms of business management in an attempt to comprehend the philosophy and meanings that are hidden in the processes of Social Innovation. Aspects such as human sustainability, creativity, talent, knowledge, emotions, or culture play an important role in the innovative dynamics that take place inside the enterprise world, and the strategies that this one brings into practice to actualize and reinvent itself through the years. For this reason, the enterprise is not only a continuous challenge to its’ own activity and for the people that work in it, it is also a representative sable of the society we live in how this one evolves and develops.


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How to Cite

Cañada Vicinay, L. (2011). Thoughts on the enterprise and the context of social innovation. Arbor, 187(752), 1147–1158.


