Is edupunk feasible in the Spanish university education? Web 2.0 tools, creating educational spaces


  • Almudena García Manso Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Eduardo Díaz Cano Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



Edupunk, EHEA, Web 2.0 tools, skills, training DIY, open social knowledge


This paper aims to explain, from various academic learning experiences using Web 2.0 tools, the possibility, or not, of moving towards a more open, autonomous, and self-directed education, thinking about a subsequent retraining, something very required in the present-day labor market and social scene. It is intended to emphasize the educational use of collaborative ICT tools with quality criteria, and responsible use. Edupunk could be the starting point but with some fine tuning. The DIY (Do it yourself) education need supervision, mentoring, and guidance, that can be measured by educational standards at the formal universities by the optimal quality criteria.


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How to Cite

García Manso, A., & Díaz Cano, E. (2011). Is edupunk feasible in the Spanish university education? Web 2.0 tools, creating educational spaces. Arbor, 187(Extra_3), 213–217.


