Memory of the Feuilleton in the Romantic Press: Heterogeneity and Literary Modes in El Correo Nacional (1838-1842)


  • Ana María Gómez-Elegido Centeno Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Feuilleton, culture, Literature, fiction (narrative), newspaper serial


This paper intends to briefly trace the genesis and evolution of the feuilleton section in the Spanish Romantic press through the example of the newspaper El Correo Nacional (1838-42). Following the texts published in this press space reveals the initial presence of a considerable diversity of literary forms linked by their entertainment and educational (culture) value. These would later disappear to give way almost exclusively to creative literature and fiction, represented in particular by a new subgenre, the newspaper serial or feuilleton.


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How to Cite

Gómez-Elegido Centeno, A. M. (2012). Memory of the Feuilleton in the Romantic Press: Heterogeneity and Literary Modes in El Correo Nacional (1838-1842). Arbor, 188(757), 965–977.


