“Horae canonicae”, Spain and the two Audens


  • Gabriel Insausti Universidad de Navarra – ICS. Departamento de Filología-Facultad de Filosofía y Letras




Auden, Horae canonicae, “Spain”, sacrifice, conversion, antireligious violence


“Horae canonicae”, the series first included in The Shield of Achilles when first published, with the Crucifixion as its central theme, is one the most crucial pieces of the later Auden. Criticism has often located these poems within the contexto f Auden’s conversión to Christianity and his ideological bias towards a growing conservatism alter his early years, in which he flirted with revolutionary leftism. However, “Horae canonicae” contains several enigmatic elements on which the reader should focus, elements that allow us to read it as a sort of palinode whose intertext would be pieces like the much better known “Spain”.


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How to Cite

Insausti, G. (2013). “Horae canonicae”, Spain and the two Audens. Arbor, 189(762), a058. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2013.762n4009


