Study and composition of nine chinese and Japanese statuettes at the National Museum of Natural Sciences, donated by Juan de Cuellar in the 18th Century


  • Javier García-Guinea Profesor de Investigación CSIC (MNCN)
  • Julio González-Alcalde Conservador de las colecciones de Bellas Artes y Arqueología Industrial MNCN (CSIC)
  • Aurelio Nieto Codina Conservador de la colección de Geología MNCN (CSIC)



RGHN, MNCN, Enlightenment, Talc, Pyrophyllite, Steatite, Statuettes, Juan de Cuellar, Philippines, 18th Century, stone products


This paper describes a historical study combined with a non-destructive chemical and molecular characterisation (using ESEM-EDS and Raman spectroscopy) of nine small sculptures. The specimens kept in the National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN institution) are composed of steatite or soapstone, a soft and unctuous mineral containing talc and pyrophyllite. We found that two of the specimens are made of pyrophyllite from Japan while the other seven are talc carved with Chinese-style ornamentation. These talc specimens from China include calcite formed by dolomite metamorphism, while the pyrophyllite samples show Pb, Fe, Cl, As, P, S, Na and Ca, chemical elements more characteristic of hydrothermal alterations of felsic rocks from Japan. The statuettes were brought to what was then the RGHN from Philippines in the eighteenth century by Juan de Cuellar. The paper includes a short biography of this Spanish explorer and botanist and an account of his scientific and economic activities. These specimens are an excellent example of the Enlightenment fashion for collecting Asian objects.


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How to Cite

García-Guinea, J., González-Alcalde, J., & Nieto Codina, A. (2013). Study and composition of nine chinese and Japanese statuettes at the National Museum of Natural Sciences, donated by Juan de Cuellar in the 18th Century. Arbor, 189(762), a059.


