Dichotomic Utopies on Sexed Bodies


  • Nuria Gregori Flor U. de Valencia. Instituto de Filosofía (CSIC). Hospital d’Elx




Hermaphroditism, Intersexuality, Disorders of Sexual Development (DSD), Atypical Sexual Differentiation (ASD), Sex/Gender/Sexualities


Hermaphrodites, intersexes, androgynes, transsexuals and homosexuals symbolise the place of the fissure, the border and dissent in relation to bodies and sexes/genders/ sexualities. They represent a privileged discursive space from where we can explore some of the certainties that have been produced and reproduced from the different fields of knowledge and power throughout Western history. The analysis of social and medical categories such as hermaphroditism, intersexuality, or the recently known as DSD shows us a complex and simultaneously controversial panorama that has, nevertheless, enough potential to shed some light on the performative role of social categories. Moreover, it allows us to go into a bioethical debate about the limits of medical practices, and to explore questions about the body’s control and normalisation, or about the incorporation of new technologies in recreating bodies and identities.


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How to Cite

Gregori Flor, N. (2013). Dichotomic Utopies on Sexed Bodies. Arbor, 189(763), a071. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2013.763n5008


