The Greek Philosophers and their Schools


  • José Solana Dueso Catedrático de Universidad. Departamento de Filosofía. Universidad de Zaragoza



Philosophic schools, milesian school, eleatic school, academy, lyceum, hellenistic schools


The Greek philosophy developed three types of philosophical schools. The first one, represented by the Milesians, the Eleatics and partly the Aristotle’s Lyceum, understands the philosophical activity as a set of projects of investigation, not necessarily lacking of pragmatic interest, moved by desire to explain the phenomena. Next to their activities of investigation, many of these philosophers maintain a political activity within the framework of their own cities. The second type, represented by the Pythagoreans and the Academy of Plato, aims to reach the union between knowledge and political power. This proposal finds its better synthesis in the ideal of philosopher king. At the hellenistic period, the goal of philosophical schools would be to offer the cultivated and instructed man a particular way of life.


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Author Biography

José Solana Dueso, Catedrático de Universidad. Departamento de Filosofía. Universidad de Zaragoza


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How to Cite

Solana Dueso, J. (2008). The Greek Philosophers and their Schools. Arbor, 184(731), 413–422.


