Difficulties with Physica II 4: the Aristotelian dialectical confrontation with opinions on chance and the debate on the identity of the spokespersons


  • Iván de los Ríos Gutiérrez Universidad Andrés Bello




Aristotle, Physica, endoxa, chance, atomism


This article examines Aristotle’s critical account of the three groups of opinions on chance presented in Physica [Phys.] II 4-6 and considers the question of the identity of the advocates of these ideas. Aristotle confronts three common beliefs according to which: i) nothing happens by chance; ii) chance is the origin of everything; iii) chance is the instrument of a divine dimension inscrutable to the human mind. However, we find no explicit references to any authors. Who are the deniers of chance and who are its proponents? Who identifies chance with divine functions or particular deities? This article aims to outline the debate on the identity of the advocates of these common beliefs and to contribute to its clarification within the frame of the Aristotelian criticism on ancient atomism.


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How to Cite

de los Ríos Gutiérrez, I. (2014). Difficulties with Physica II 4: the Aristotelian dialectical confrontation with opinions on chance and the debate on the identity of the spokespersons. Arbor, 190(769), a163. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2014.769n5002


