Protecting Children from Maltreatment in the United States


  • Jill Duerr Berrick UCB



Maltreatment, foster care, permanency, prevention


The U.S., known as a western industrialized country with a residual welfare state, has developed a system to respond to extreme family difficulties by focusing narrowly on children’s safety and risk of harm from parents or other caregivers. In contrast to many European nations, eligibility for family services is highly restricted and prevention services are typically short-term. For children who are ultimately separated from their parents to secure their safety, the U.S. welfare system places a high priority on returning children home as quickly as possible; and for those children whose reunification is forestalled, alternative opportunities for a permanent home are pursued. This paper suggests that a family system with broader eligibility and more saturated prevention services might benefit many more children and families than those currently assisted in the U.S. today.


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How to Cite

Duerr Berrick, J. (2015). Protecting Children from Maltreatment in the United States. Arbor, 191(771), a203.


