Ruin and Memory


  • Enrique Gavilán Domínguez Profesor Titular. Dpto. de Historia Medieval. Universidad de Valladolid



Theory of history, theatre, memory, patrimony


This article approaches the power of theatre to explore central mechanisms in such a theatrical society as nowadays’, starting from a specific genre: some historical theatre, the celebration of the past in the same place where it took place, that is to say, the representation of the memory of the place. It is about the ambiguity that is implicit in the situation and two quite different forms of dealing with it: conmemorative ceremony working for an identity affirmation or the profiting of the irony that lies inside the theatrical gesture in order to unmake memory’s tricks.


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Author Biography

Enrique Gavilán Domínguez, Profesor Titular. Dpto. de Historia Medieval. Universidad de Valladolid


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How to Cite

Gavilán Domínguez, E. (2008). Ruin and Memory. Arbor, 184(731), 551–559.


