Film women: from Hollywood’s glamour to alternative models


  • María Caballero Wangüemert Universidad de Sevilla



Female models, family models, cinema, female identity, society of 21th century


Cinema has reflected the great changes that women, family and society have undergone in the twentieth century. Film was born male, but throughout the twentieth century, woman has gone from being an object of desire, the star of the love story in Hollywood comedies, to commanding the adventure of cinema as a screenwriter (E. Thompson, RP Jhavbala ), producer (B. Streisand, I. Bollaín) and, especially, director: Streisand, M. von Trotta, S. Coppola, A. Huston among others, but also M. Nair, D. Mehta, I. Bollaín, I. Coixet, G. Querejeta, K. Bigelow, L. Schefig, S. Bier, N. Labaki, M. Ruiz de Austri. This paper assumes the validity of this diachrony, in order to consider one question: What kind of family models and what kind of women’s models does the big screen provide us with, beyond the old dichotomy of angel/ whore?


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How to Cite

Caballero Wangüemert M. (2016). Film women: from Hollywood’s glamour to alternative models. Arbor, 192(778), a306.



C. ¿Hay mujeres más allá del feminismo?