The empathy factory. From genetic determinism to the social origin of morality


  • David Hernández Castro Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia



Genetic determinism, Preston & De Waal, Perception-Action Model (PAM), Evolutionary Psychology, empathy, morality


Preston and De Waal have adopted a theoretical idea known as the “Perception-Action Model” (PAM), which suggests that empathy and morality have genetic and evolutionary roots. In this paper, the author proposes a critical reading of PAM and an alternative interpretation, “the empathy factory”, which reconsiders the “Perception-Action Hypothesis” and the discovery of mirror neurons in the light of Judith Butler’s concept of performativity and the social construction of emotions. The conclusion is that the origin of the moral impulse does not lie in genetic determinism but in social relationships, language and affective communication.


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How to Cite

Hernández Castro, D. (2016). The empathy factory. From genetic determinism to the social origin of morality. Arbor, 192(779), a321.


