Nature does not exist: conservationisms and international relations in Doñana


  • Lino Camprubí Max Planck Institute for the History of Science



Doñana, World Wildlife Fund, Valverde, Huxley, Franco, ecology, conservation, international relations, Natural Parks


The paper starts by discarding the methodological approach to the history of Natural Parks that sees them as steps towards the “conservation of Nature” - with a capital N. Rather, it situates the history of Doñana within its political, personal and scientific contexts. These contexts bring us to an international scale marked by the decolonization of the British Empire and the transformation of ornithology and ecology as disciplines. Bird migratory routes contributed to the Park’s international dimension, in which context the agreement between the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) took place. Creation of the Park opened the door to new conflicts among diverging ways of understanding conservation and different scientific categorizations of Doñana’s territory. The resolution of these conflicts depended on strengths and alliances, which allows us to conclude by refining our methodological starting point.


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How to Cite

Camprubí, L. (2016). Nature does not exist: conservationisms and international relations in Doñana. Arbor, 192(781), a344.


