The heuristic relevance of the concept of ‘time in abundance’ for the analysis of unemployment time from a gender perspective




time, experience, duration, unemployment, gender


This text provides an exploratory theoretical outline about the heuristic importance of the concept “time in abundance” for better understanding of the experience of time during employment from a gender perspective. Therefore, starting with a brief conceptualization about this concept and positioning it in the wider debate about the “excess” and the “scarcity” of time in modern capitalist-based societies, the authors argue that “time in abundance” is still a very relevant category used by people in order to speak about their experience as unemployed. The reflection is based on a research undertaken in Portugal, including two focus groups with unemployed people divided by gender. The results confirm previous studies made about the experience of time of the unemployed, showing that although there are similarities between men and women, there are also important differences that relate to their different roles in the productive and reproductive spheres. The novelty in this case is that these differences, although reinforcing the reproductive role of women, thy also show that new individual and collective recreational uses are emerging. Considering that the concept “plenty of time” does not hold a given value a priori, it seems promissory to grasp a kind of experience that ultimately translates a discontent with the centrality of work (reproductive and productive) for social definition of subjects and their time uses.


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How to Cite

Araújo, E., & Franch, M. (2017). The heuristic relevance of the concept of ‘time in abundance’ for the analysis of unemployment time from a gender perspective. Arbor, 193(784), a380.


