Johann G. Herder: intellectual profile of an illuminated radical




culture, Nationalism, Enlightenment, Absolutism, language


The intellectual origins of Nationalism and its idea of Culture found an unavoidable reference in Johann G. Herder’s work (1744-1803). Herder put forward an approach to Enlightenment contrary to the official one, critical of the policies of bureaucratic Reformism of Absolutism and Kantian Philosophical Rationalism. Herder’s take on Enlightenment holds a sense of History open to cultural diversity. Language and Culture emerge from Herder’s approach as the codes of a people’s world conceived of in a utopian way, beyond the logic of monarchic and aristocratic power. The nationalist idea of culture developed by the German thinker makes us reconsider, in a critical way, the Romantic origins of Nationalism.


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How to Cite

Díez Álvarez, L. G. (2017). Johann G. Herder: intellectual profile of an illuminated radical. Arbor, 193(784), a385.


