Environmental sustainability in the spanish hotel sector. A contribution to sustainable tourism between business profitability and the environmental commitment





Sustainable tourism, sustainable hotels, environmental management system, eco-labels, environmental sensitivity


This paper intends to approach how the Spanish tourist sector has implemented environmental viewpoints initiated by international organizations such as UNO, UNESCO, European Union, etc. from the Rio Conference on (1992), and reinforced by the increasing environmental sensitivity of the hotel customers. Another aim of this process is to improve resource management and increase competitiveness in the hotel trade. The environmental commitment of the hotel sector must be demonstrated either by obtaining a certification of environmental quality or an ecolabel awarded by special purpose entities on fulfillment of specific requirements. These environmental labels are mostly obtained by large hotel chains for image and affordability reasons. Nevertheless, the Spanish hotel business still has a long way to go before reaching complete sustainability.


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Otros recursos

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How to Cite

Valenzuela Rubio, M. (2017). Environmental sustainability in the spanish hotel sector. A contribution to sustainable tourism between business profitability and the environmental commitment. Arbor, 193(785), a403. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2017.785n3009


