The deficit problem in the democratic models of science popularization




science popularization, democratic model of science popularization, epistemic deficit, political deficit


There is a tendency in contemporary STS studies to oppose deficit models and democratic models of science popularization. This opposition usually relies on a so-called new social contract for science and technology and can be formulated as follows: whereas the old social contract implied a deficit model of science popularization, the new social contract implies a democratic and not a deficit model. In this article, I defend the thesis that such an opposition is ill founded for two reasons. In the first place, the new social contract is compatible with different democratic models of science popularization, and these models are not necessarily compatible among themselves. In the second place, some of these democratic models can also be described as deficit models. In this sense, the question about how to understand science popularization in the framework of the new social contract for science and technology remains unanswered.


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How to Cite

Escobar, J. M. (2017). The deficit problem in the democratic models of science popularization. Arbor, 193(785), e407.


