Mobility regimes and the expropriation of time: waiting as chronopolitics




Chronopolitics, expropriation of time, chronic waiting, mobility, biopolitics, power


Management of the population’s mobility/circulation is a question of biopolitics, which implies a hierarchical and unequal production of the conditions for such mobility. Nonetheless, in this unequal distribution, it is not only the spaces that are ordered but also the times, rhythm and speed. Hence one can speak of a form of chronopolitics associated with the political management of mobility. Despite its significance, this matter has not yet been studied in depth. The aim of this paper is, therefore, to do this by studying the temporal dimension of the political management of mobility through the lens of a theoretical reflection. We start from the relationship between mobility management and the expropriation of time, seen as a form of domination, to go on to focus on a specific form of this relationship: imposed immobility as a form of deceleration or chronic waiting.


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How to Cite

Abad Miguélez, B. (2018). Mobility regimes and the expropriation of time: waiting as chronopolitics. Arbor, 194(788), a453.


