The significance of technological culture in the maker movement




P2P, social diffusion, social appropriation, STEM, digital culture, maker movement, DIY


The rising of the maker movement globally constitutes one of the most recent phenomena of social diffusion and social appropriation of technologies. The expiration of several patents in the fields of digital manufacturing and microelectronics in combination with the rebirth of a DIY (Do It Yourself) state of mind and the popularization of different spaces, laboratories and thematic events at international level have helped to consolidate a growing presence in society of this learning by doing approach. In this article we examine the emergence of this movement and identify the main values that lie behind this philosophy for empowering citizenship through technology. Moreover, we analyze the opportunities presented by this phenomenon for promoting a technological culture in society and the contradictions, myths and challenges surrounding it.


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How to Cite

Tabarés Gutiérrez, R. (2018). The significance of technological culture in the maker movement. Arbor, 194(789), e471.


