Literature, body and animality




Animality, compassion, abjection


This text has three parts. In the first part, there is a discussion about the origins of the topos of animality in contemporary culture. The author does this by retrieving topics that first emerged at the creation of Aesthetics, and also presents the meeting points of aesthetics and science (specially the theorem of the origin of the species by Darwin). In the second part, the author assumes the identity of the character created by Kafka, Rotpeter, and writes about the question of animality in the works of this writer from Prague. In the conclusion, the text shows how this debate about animal and “nature” themes can be considered in in the context of the biopolitical issue of compassion. At this point, the author bases his discussion on two books by J. M. Coetzee, and shows how compassion and charity can be at the origin of an authoritarian tutelage of the “other”.


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How to Cite

Seligmann-Silva, M. (2018). Literature, body and animality. Arbor, 194(790), a478.


