Journalism and history: Manuel Chaves Nogales and the Russian revolution




Chaves Nogales, Russian revolution, journalism, history, Soviet Union, Russia-Spain


The objective of this article is to show how the picture Manuel Chaves Nogales presented of the Russian Revolution through his articles in the 30’s, the vanguard of journalism of that time, had a historical meaning. The hypothesis proposed is that journalism reporting on the present can also provide historians with some lessons. To show the historical awareness of Chaves Nogales’ journalism, the author is contextualized among other travelers to the Soviet Union of that time. The way in which Chaves interprets the traces of the Revolution in people and their environment and how these relate to microhistory are studied.


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How to Cite

Martínez Illán, A., & Pérez Álvarez, Álvaro. (2019). Journalism and history: Manuel Chaves Nogales and the Russian revolution. Arbor, 195(792), a510.


