Gender Biases in Scientific-Technological Education. An Approach to the University of La Laguna


  • Amparo Gómez Universidad de La Laguna
  • Antonio Fco. Canales Universidad de La Laguna
  • Inmaculada Perdomo Universidad de La Laguna
  • Margarita Santana Universidad de La Laguna
  • Carolina Martínez Universidad de La Laguna
  • Rosana García Universidad de La Laguna



Science, technology, gender biases, inferiority, cognitive capacities, abilities, attitudes, interactions, education


In this article are presented the results of a study about the existence of gender biases in the scientific-technological education. In this study we expect to demonstrate with data the existence of gender stereotyped beliefs in university and high school teachers of science and technology. This way, we wants to point out if what certain scientific disciplines affirm about the cognitive capacities, abilities, attitudes and women’s behaviors are transmitted in the teaching of the science and the technology, and if the gender biases characteristic of these disciplines are thus perpetuated through the education of the new scientifics and technologist generations. This study has been made at the University of La Laguna and the highs schools of Tenerife, but we believe that its results could be generalized to other Spanish universities and high schools.


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Author Biography

Amparo Gómez, Universidad de La Laguna


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How to Cite

Gómez, A., Canales, A. F., Perdomo, I., Santana, M., Martínez, C., & García, R. (2008). Gender Biases in Scientific-Technological Education. An Approach to the University of La Laguna. Arbor, 184(733), 935–947.




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