Bacteriophages and endolysins in the food industry




bacteriophage, endolysin, antimicrobial, antimicrobial resistance, pathogenic resistance, sustainability


The production of healthy and safe food requires using preservation techniques that are harmless to consumers and the environment, with biopreservation as a perfect example. In addition to a long list of natural compounds and microorganisms, bacteriophages (phages) and phage-lytic proteins (endolysins) have recently been incorporated into the biopreservation arsenal. The use of phages and endolysins in biocontrol offers important advantages over other traditional preservation techniques. For example, these antimicrobials are harmless, target-specific and versatile. On the other hand, the need to curtail antibiotic use along the food production chain has promoted research initiatives with the ultimate aim of applying these antimicrobials in primary production (phage therapy). However, despite their demonstrated efficacy in different sectors, the current legal vacuum in the EU and the lack of information given to consumers are negatively affecting their implementation as biopreservatives. In this context, this chapter includes the latest results related to the use of these antimicrobials in the agro-food sector and summarises key points that will help to understand the real prospects for their application, considering new requirements to move towards sustainable production from both an economic and an environmental perspective.


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Recursos en línea

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Foodborne Diseases Active Survei­llance Network (FoodNet): FoodNet 2015 Annual Foodborne Illness Surveillance Report. [En línea]. Disponible en



How to Cite

Gutiérrez Fernández, D., Fernández Llamas, L., Rodríguez González, A., & García Suárez, P. (2020). Bacteriophages and endolysins in the food industry. Arbor, 196(795), a544.


