Going against the tide. Gender, commitment and transgression in Spain





gender, commitment, activism, transgression, Spain, XIX-XXI centuries


This paper introduces a dossier that focuses on the relationships between commitment and transgression, in contemporary Spain, from a gender point of view. With contributions from the fields of History, Literature, Communication, Sociology and Philosophy, it seeks to question traditional hierarchies often established on the bases of ideals and experiences of women and men in progressive political cultures or countercultural spheres. Moreover, it demonstrates that transgression arises in intellectual, political, social or feminist activism by subverting gender rules and promoting equality, although it can also involve tensions and paradoxes.


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How to Cite

Moreno Seco, M. (2020). Going against the tide. Gender, commitment and transgression in Spain. Arbor, 196(796), a548. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2020.796n2001


