Transgression and commitment regarding Judith Butler and her reception in Spanish feminist thought




Butler, Spanish feminist thought, subjectivity, queer, transgression, commitment, resistance, egalitarian feminism


This paper addresses the concepts of commitment and transgression in the framework of the interpretation that Spanish feminist thought has made of Judith Butler over the past three decades. First, her theory of performativity of gender is taken as a point of departure to evaluate the accusations that the queer transgression programme has endorsed an acritical subjectivity that dovetails with neoliberalism. Following this, it is stressed that the interest of Butler’s most recent works lies in the conditions of articulation of collective subjects, offering a conception of politics as resistance. Here, another line of discussion is pursued vis-à-vis the legacy of egalitarian feminism revolving around the capacity of Butler’s approach to deal with the emancipatory feminist agenda and its constituent ethical-political commitment.


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How to Cite

Nájera, E. (2020). Transgression and commitment regarding Judith Butler and her reception in Spanish feminist thought. Arbor, 196(796), a557.


