Creative writing and cognitive neuroscience




Creative writing, Neuroscience, Placement/Displacement Theory, mind, homeostasis, cybersociety, digital literacy


In recent decades, the development of neuroscience has allowed spectacular advances to be made regarding better knowledge of different human practices from the neurophysiological bases of brain functioning. Although we are still in the «prehistory» of decryption of the most complex organ known in the universe, it is an appropriate time to make an operational assessment, eradicating some falsehoods and taking advantage of some consolidated data to be applied to the teaching and praxis of creative writing.

Synthetically, we address some keys to creativity, in general, to focus on aesthetic verbal creativity, both in its oral expression and through brain changes that operate in the process of learning to read. We reflect on the complexity of our mental representations linked, for example, with verbal poetic discourse, offer some indications about the importance of writing as an enhancer of our cognitive reserve, and end with some practical orientations to boost creativity in the experience of that same writing. We delve into the importance of attention as well as the interconnection between rational intelligence and emotional intelligence in the areas of writing and reading. And we conclude with an analysis of new reading and writing practices developed in the third environment (cybersociety), new narratives built on the new technological paradigm that have facilitated new creative fields for writing, emphasizing the concepts of ‘transmediality’, ‘digital literacy’, ‘hypertextuality’, and ‘multimodality’ and how they affect our brain activity.


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How to Cite

Vázquez-Medel, M. A. ., Mora, F. ., & Acedo García, A. . (2020). Creative writing and cognitive neuroscience. Arbor, 196(798), a577.


