Sketches for a sociology of comics




Sociology of mass media, sociology of comics, audiences, reading public


This article focuses on the analysis of theoretical and empirical studies on the sociology of comics during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Although currently comics are widely accepted in academia, both in journals and specialised monographs, this was not common in the past. The first studies were exceptions in the broader scope of communication sociology, and they only became popular in academia as of the 1950s. One of the catalysts for the sociology of comics was Umberto Eco (1968), from which deeper studies would come, such as those by Dorfman and Mattelart (1971) or Luc Boltanski (1975) . Finally, some empirical research based on the language of comics is analysed.


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How to Cite

Giner Monfort, J. . (2021). Sketches for a sociology of comics. Arbor, 197(801), e614.


