El sonido y sus múltiples resonancias. Tres proyectos





Sound, soundscape, city, perception, memory


Several studies over the last few decades have shown that sound is a crucial element capable of providing new knowledge about the environment and the relationship between human beings and the medium. Sound has physical, sensory, and perceptual qualities that combine the emotional and the rational. Thus, it allows us to approach comprehensively knowledge and the analysis of something as complex as experience and place.

Methods, tools, and urban strategies with the soundscape as the protagonist are developing from several disciplines. The soundscape has a privileged place in contemporary thinking as a product of collectivity. The concept and methods of soundscape study arise from the sensory experience of place directly related to the community. In situ methods (tours, cartographies, sound archives, performances, and collective sound actions) are expressions of great interest produced around the collective listening of the place.

These studies show the importance of sensory aspects and how, through sound and listening, reappropriation of space, our environment, recognition of the other and of place happen. We present three research projects with the complexity of the sound environment as a common element. These projects focus on three different situations. Firstly, the COVID-19 period, then historical soundscapes, and finally contemporary soundscapes. These works focus on the complexity of the perceptions and narratives of citizens as a source of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Palmese, C., & Carles, J. L. (2023). El sonido y sus múltiples resonancias. Tres proyectos. Arbor, 199(810), a724. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2023.810004


