Sciences wars and the struggle for reason: Twenty-five years after the Sokal’s hoax




Sokal hoax, philosophy in France, the two cultures, science and politics, Science Wars


Twenty-five years after the publication in Social Text of the Sokal hoax, this paper evaluates the case from four perspectives. The first part analyses the pro and con arguments about the hoax and Sokal’s ideas in regard to a certain kind of cultural studies. The second revisits similar cases that preceded and followed the affair. The third evaluates the reception of the hoax in France, related to a tradition in this country that avoided analytical philosophy, in the intellectual and institutional sense. The fourth part debates the political perspectives of the hoax.


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How to Cite

Escobar-Jiménez, C. . (2022). Sciences wars and the struggle for reason: Twenty-five years after the Sokal’s hoax. Arbor, 198(806), a682.


