“The hunt of the man”: recreation of a legendary, fictional and historical motive in Carlos Saura’s La caza


  • Felipe Aparicio Nevado Université de Haute Alsace




Cinema and cinegetic literature, Carlos Saura, manhunt, war and hunting


The theme of man turned into a prey has been a recurrent one in the discourses and artefacts of human civilisation since prehistoric times. Fables and representations centred on “human hunting” have a meaning that reflects their contextual value as well as their ability to conjure up universal obsessions. The primitive syncretism and the hallucinatory power ascribed by some theoreticians to film images are certainly not alien to this timeless motif – a motif underlying myths which lend themselves to a variety of literary uses. Drawing upon Carlos Saura’s film The Hunt, this paper provides an interpretation of the devices used by film language, invested with analogical and symbolic force, in order to absorb and revive “traditional” artistic languages, be they verbal – as most of them are – or plastic languages, thanks to “polyphonic montage”, so beloved of Eisenstein, and the oblique reading of History which, at all times, has nourished part of man’s imagination.


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How to Cite

Aparicio Nevado, F. (2011). “The hunt of the man”: recreation of a legendary, fictional and historical motive in Carlos Saura’s La caza. Arbor, 187(748), 269–277. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2011.748n2007


