The gap of the complexity: eAprendiz profile as a personal suitability proposal for the new “habitat”, expanded and complex


  • Enrique Rubio Royo Centro de Innovación para la Sociedad de la Información (CICEI), Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)



Bottom-up, complex systems, ACS, systems thinking, eLearner, complexity gap, internet, adaptive complex systems


We are witness, and actors, in a changing world, different from that proceed and unpredictable, whose main characteristic is its complex nature. A changing world with a level of unprecedented interconnectedness and interdependence (cause of its complexity), with new structures (networks) and new social technologies that shape the Internet as a transformation digital infrastructure and also of adequation. As a result, a “new expanded and complex vital environment”, has a significant impact in the way we interact, live, work and learn. We are therefore facing a new class of situations or problems (complex) that, when we face the same, we need not only change how we think and perceive reality (systems thinking), but also the adoption of a new digital culture, where interdependence and sustainability prevails. We call “complexity gap”, the difficulty that entails the assimilation and practise of such requirements, which at the same time represents the main challenge we are faced with today. Referred to as “complexity gap”, the difficulty involved in the assimilation and practice of these requirements and, in turn, is the main challenge we face today. Finally, from an of organic growth perspective (“bottom-up”), considering the person as “complex adaptive system”, it is proposed profile “eAprendiz” as a strategy for adaptation and personal, and professional, empowerment, in the current global “extended and complex environment”. Finally, from an organizational development (“bottom-up”), and considering the person as “complex adaptive system”, it is proposed profile “eAprendiz” as a strategy for adaptation and personal, and professional, empowerment, in the current global, extended and complex environment.


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How to Cite

Rubio Royo, E. (2011). The gap of the complexity: eAprendiz profile as a personal suitability proposal for the new “habitat”, expanded and complex. Arbor, 187(Extra_3), 23–37.


