Identifying the Constraints on Cash Generation: Basis of a Methodology for Continuous Improvement


  • Igor Rivera Instituto Politécnico Nacional – UPIICSA
  • Juan Morúa Ramírez Université de Lorraine



Cash generation constraints, uncertainty, variability, constraints, continuing improvement


Inside organisations we always find constraints which the cash generation process a long and tortuous path. Our aim in this article is to offer a theoretical review of these constraints, from the process of transformation through to value added. This review takes a different point of view from classical management, focusing on small and medium-sized already established manufacturing organisations. Finally, the article mentions guidelines, with regards to cash generation, which propose continuous improvement: retrospective analysis and identifying the critical process; Defining key parameters and strategic piloting; Identifying the main element which limits cash generation within the critical process; Defining an action plan to reduce, control or eliminate the constraints on generation. Establishing the previous steps as a continuous cycle.


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How to Cite

Rivera, I., & Morúa Ramírez, J. (2013). Identifying the Constraints on Cash Generation: Basis of a Methodology for Continuous Improvement. Arbor, 189(760), a016.




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