The question of ethics in Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time


  • Vicente Lozano Díaz Universidad Francisco de Vitoria



Being, entity, respectivity, project, death, responsibility, decision, authenticity, ethics


In Being and Time one can perceive an attempt to establish an ethics of authenticity, as human life is described as a constant endeavour to move forward, establishing goals and striving to achieve them based on decisions and a sense of responsibility grounded in one’s understanding of oneself as an individual and a non-transferable project. But these ethics of authenticity would only be acceptable to Heidegger if considered as an ontological or metaphysical foundation independent from the truths, values or principles which, in turn, are used as criteria for specific conducts and behaviours.


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How to Cite

Lozano Díaz, V. (2015). The question of ethics in Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time. Arbor, 191(774), a255.


