Heroines and women. Lady Marian’s cinematographic path


  • Gema Pérez Herrera Universidad de Navarra
  • Julia Pavón Benito Universidad de Navarra




Cinema, feminist revolution, Lady Marian, 20th century


The transformation of the role of women over the course of the 20th century can be seen particularly clearly in the cinema. The analysis of various cinematic representations of Lady Marian, Robin Hood’s romantic partner, reveals the transformation in the female from feminine to heroic between 1922 and the present. This change involves Marian adopting male roles and being included in scenes that were previously reserved for male characters, together with a progressive masculinisation of women. Analysing films made in different decades shows how cinema always conveys a contemporary message, reflecting human and cultural models in keeping with the sensitivities of its viewers.


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How to Cite

Pérez Herrera, G., & Pavón Benito, J. (2016). Heroines and women. Lady Marian’s cinematographic path. Arbor, 192(779), a320. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2016.779n3010


