Proteomics and systems biology for the study of food allergy




proteomics, systems biology, food, allergy


Food allergy is the fourth most important public health problem according to the World Health Organization (WHO). A total of 6-8% of children and 2-4% of adults are affected. Currently, due to this high prevalence, fast and accurate detection methods for food allergy control, treatment and research are highly necessary. In this review, the most recent proteomics and systems biology approaches for the study of food allergy are presented. In this respect, two proteomics strategies (discovery and targeted proteomics) for the control and study of food allergy are summarized. Additionally, the innovative proteomics-based systems biology approaches for the study of the mechanisms of food allergy are described. Finally, new perspectives and future directions are described.


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How to Cite

Carrera, M. (2020). Proteomics and systems biology for the study of food allergy. Arbor, 196(795), a546.


