Filmic versions of the Faustian theme


  • M. S. Suárez Lafuente Universidad de Oviedo



Doctor Fausto, J. Spiess, Christopher Marlowe, J. W. von Goethe, Thomas Mann, Klaus Mann, Georges Melies, F. W. Murnau, René Clair, Giacomo Manzini, Istvan Szabo, Sáenz de Heredia, Fura dels Baus


This article intends to follow the development of the Faustian myth through a number of outstanding films in western culture ending with Faust 5.0 by Fura dels Baus. It starts with a brief analysis of the Faust inscribed in literature by Spiess in 1587 and, progressively, implemented by several European authors up to the Manns. The number of literary and filmic Fausts is so large that this article, a work in progress, provides only a few steppingstones, those considered more relevant in the history of the myth. The main characteristics of the legend are kept as the leading structure of this article, considering the fact that those are the moments that attract the attention of writers and directors and, therefore, suffer more modifications. Modifications that follow the philosophical thought and the social changes of the time in which they were written or filmed. Accordingly, contemporary Fausts bear the imprint of the new technologies and the feminist, postmodern, postcolonial or transcultural perspectives of our era.


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Suárez Lafuente, M. S. (2001): “Las mujeres y el tema fáustico en la literatura”, Representar-representarse, ed. Arriaga Flórez y A. Ramírez. Fundación Juan Ramón Jiménez, Moguer, 465-474.

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How to Cite

Suárez Lafuente, M. S. (2010). Filmic versions of the Faustian theme. Arbor, 186(741), 25–32.


