Between the screen and the book: Gabriel García Márquez and film


  • Robin Fiddian Universidad de Oxford



Aesthetic theory, truth, humanity, sensitivity to women’s issues, lyricism, the fantastic, film direction, influences


García Márquez’s relations with the cinema find their first expression in a series of film reviews that the author penned for the Colombian daily El Espectador, in the mid-nineteen fifties. There, he shows a particular predilection for Italian Neo-realism, for certain contemporary Italian films about women, and for the Bardem- Berlanga classic, ¡Bienvenido, Mr Marshall! Analysis of selected film reviews demonstrates surprisingly close connections with creative works by García Márquez, both at the level of narrative and in key areas of ideology and aesthetics.


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Desastre, Luis (1959): “La vuelta de Aldecoa”, La Estafeta Literaria 169 (15 de mayo), 23-24.

Fiddian, Robin W. (2006): Gabriel García Márquez. Los funerales de la Mamá Grande, London, Grant & Cutler.

García Márquez, Gabriel (1981): Crónica de una muerte anunciada, Barcelona, Bruguera.

García Márquez, Gabriel (1982): Obra periodística. Recopilación y prólogo de Jacques Gilard, 6 vols, vol. 2. Entre cachacos/1. Barcelona, Bruguera. Gilard, Jacques: “Prólogo”, en Gabriel García Marquez, Obra periodística, vol. 2. Entre cachacos/1, 7-87.

Jordan, Barry (1990): Writing and Politics in Franco’s Spain, London & New York, Routledge.

Kinder, Marsha (1993): Blood Cinema: the Reconstruction of National Identity in Spain, Berkeley & Los Angeles, University of California Press.

Kinder, Marsha (1997): Ed. Refiguring Spain. Cinema/Media/Representation, Durham & London, Duke University Press.

Marsh, Steven (2004): “Villar del Río Revisited: the chronotope of Berlanga’s ¡Bienvenido Mr Marshall! ”, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 81, 25-41.

Truffaut, François (1994): The Films in My Life, trad. del francés por L. Mayhew, London, Da Capo Press, 273-77.

Vernon, Kathleen (1997): “Reading Hollywood in/and Spanish Cinema: From Trade Wars to Transculturation”, en Marsha Kinder, ed., Refiguring Spain. Cinema/Media/Representation, Durham & London, Duke University Press.




How to Cite

Fiddian, R. (2010). Between the screen and the book: Gabriel García Márquez and film. Arbor, 186(741), 69–77.


