Science and parascience in the image: Alexander Tsiaras, Anatomical Travelogue/The Visual MD




Scientific image, cognitivism, constructivism, pragmatism, aesthetic, regime of truth, network, biopolitics


The creation of scientific images is one of the most active areas within visual culture. This article aims to describe the four main dimensions of the scientific image (the cognitive, constructive, pragmatic and esthetic dimensions) in order to emphasize the present convergence of science and art. The second part discusses a well-known case of the current parascientific image in which, through a specific combination of these four dimensions a great many, both epistemic and political, contemporary obsessions emerge.


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How to Cite

González de Ávila, M. (2018). Science and parascience in the image: Alexander Tsiaras, Anatomical Travelogue/The Visual MD. Arbor, 194(790), a486.




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