Relevance of fresh fruits and vegetables in foodborne outbreaks and the significance of the physiological state of bacteria




fresh produce, viable but non cultivable, food safety, pathogenic bacteria, primary production


Fruits and vegetables have always been in the news, mainly because of their beneficial properties for human health. However, they increasingly occupy headlines due to their involvement in foodborne outbreaks. This is the reason why, since 2008, many international organizations consider fruit and vegetables risky food. One major microbiological concern regarding the safety of leafy greens is that pathogenic microorganisms are able to adhere to and survive on plant tissue during cultivation and processing, coexist with epiphytic bacteria and persist for long periods of time. The prevalence of pathogenic microorganisms in fruits and vegetables is low (<1%) and enumeration of pathogenic or indicator bacteria usually show very low numbers, which do not explain the high number of microbiological alerts associated with this types of products. However, concerns have been raised regarding how representative the enumeration of bacteria using plate count techniques may be. Several studies have shown that when bacteria are subjected to different stresses, they enter into a temporary state of low metabolic activity in which the cells can persist for long periods of time without cell division, called latency or viable but non-culturable (VBNC). The significance that the physiological state of bacteria might have in the development of foodborne diseases caused by fruits and vegetables is getting a lot of attention and much research is now focused on this topic.


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Recursos en línea

Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 of 15 November 2005 on micro­biological criteria for foodstuffs. [En línea]. Disponible en

European Commission Notice No. 2017/C 163/01 on Guidance Document on Ad­dressing Microbiological Risks in Fresh Fruit and Vegetables at Primary Produc­tion through Good Hygiene. [En línea]. Disponible en

FSMA Final Rule on Produce Safety. Stan­dards for the Growing, Harvesting, Pac­king, and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption. [En línea]. Disponible en­le-produce-safety



How to Cite

Truchado, P., & Allende, A. (2020). Relevance of fresh fruits and vegetables in foodborne outbreaks and the significance of the physiological state of bacteria. Arbor, 196(795), a541.




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