The scientific exploration of Madeira in the 19th century: German Travellers and their interest in the island


  • Sandra Rebok Área de Cultura Científica CSIC



Scientific travellers, expeditions, Madeira, History of Science, Canary Islands


This essay aims to describe the various German scientific travellers who visited the island of Madeira from the second half of the 19th century onwards, the studies carried out by them, and the publications which resulted from their work. It documents the beginning of the systematic scientific research of this island, analyzing the focus of this interest as well as the form in which it developed in the decades to follow. After a general introduction about the genre of scientific travel literature, the article presents the significance of Madeira for German natural scientists and physicians of the 19th century, their impressions about the island, as well as the manifold information they offer about the geography, botany, landscapes, commerce, agriculture, and habits of the populations and their daily life. In this context, the views of Madeira expressed by these travellers will be of interest, particularly in the context of the differences they observed between Madeira and the Canary Islands.


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How to Cite

Rebok, S. (2009). The scientific exploration of Madeira in the 19th century: German Travellers and their interest in the island. Arbor, 185(740), 1323–1337.


