Characterization of the spaces of kowledge: Governance paths of the Spanish technological development


  • Emilio Muñoz Instituto de Filosofía. Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. CSIC



Science policy, knowledge management, cultural mark, historical analysis, case studies


Analytical reflections within the frame of a research programme on the philosophy of science policy have led to the assumption that there is a science policy crisis. Attempts to its understanding and eventual solving are based in the use of concepts such as those of “spaces” and “governance”. The application of this line of thought to the Spanish situation has driven me to characterize the knowledge spaces in both structural and functional issues. The space of technological development identified as a space which owes its performance to the management of knowledge, provides a good model for exploring this direction of research in the Spanish case. By using a combined historical and analytical methodology, the existence of “modernization” processes have been identified along the one century trajectories of evolution of this technological space in Spain. However the results of these processes have been less than satisfactory and in any case far from the objectives pursued. The possible significance of the cultural mark on these relative failures lead me to propose the application of revolutionary policies and instruments for science and technology, with the government assuming a pivotal role in the selection of themes and organizational design of the actors involvement (García Arroyo et al., Arbor, vol. CLXXXIII, n.º 727, pp. 637-654, 2007).


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Author Biography

Emilio Muñoz, Instituto de Filosofía. Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. CSIC


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How to Cite

Muñoz, E. (2008). Characterization of the spaces of kowledge: Governance paths of the Spanish technological development. Arbor, 184(732), 595–608.


